If mobile handset manufacturers had their way, our next computer won’t be a PC, nor would it be a Mac. It could be that the next computer we get to purchase would be a mobile phone.
At the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, companies are touting new systems that let data seamlessly be synchronized between computers and mobile devices over the Internet. More than simply syncing data, the devices can also read popular formats from office-applications such as Microsoft Word documents, Mirosoft Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations and more. Mobile devices and web applications are seen to replace traditional computers in being the primary means to connect to the Internet.
Mobility has become a major factor in setting up a company. Today’s office is an always-on, anywhere, anytime office, business solutions experts agree. Mobility is seen to enhance productivity among employees and managers. Therefore, it is also important for a company to design or purchase its information systems wisely.