Freelancers and professionals who hold office at home are supposedly saving on time, gas, lunch money, and laundry expenses (you can work in your pyjamas). However, it can to be costly in terms of utilities and other expenses, but often it’s in the time factor that such an arrangement can be costly. Sometimes setting up a SOHO (small office, home office) can result in a 24/7 work arrangement—you work when you’re available, and that can tend to mean “all the time,” or “anytime.”
Without proper time management, a professional working at his home office will tend to be inefficient, according to business solutions experts. He is likely to overwork himself, not being able to separate domestic concerns with professional ones, and hence productivity will decline. Company formation experts agree that setting up a home office requires a fundamental change in work-home or family-career considerations, since the two aspects often intermingle. Proper time management is the key to success.