Well, as expected, China’s market is headed towards a slowdown. This is due to their dependence on their largest client, the USA. With the USA economy turning slower than a turtle making a u-turn, China will just have to wait until it buys again from them.
A World Bank senior economist noted that China’s manufacturing industry remains heavily reliant on foreign orders that are now evaporating. It must make a drastic move to save this industry if it is to whether this storm thru and thru.
“What is happening at the moment is becoming a little more challenging and it looks like at the moment, the real economy in the U.S. and in Europe is starting to be affected quite a bit by those financial market events,” Kuijs, WB senior economist said.
That would “have its impact on China as well,” he said.
One big danger is the coming holidays. China manufactures a lot of what this holiday season uses, from gifts to decor, to apparel, to even food.