Following up on the theme of the fascinating animated movie “Horton” – “A person’s a person, no matter how small” – I was floored (like I was hit by a devastating uppercut by world boxing phenom Manny Pacquiao) when I came across this set of pictures, with corresponding comments, on the Net.
I’m reproducing the pictures here to underscore the fact that size – or, by extension, wealth or material possessions — is nothing really, that we’re just fooling ourselves to think that such things matter. Allow me to wax philosophical, but I think what is more important than size is our capacity for showing and receiving goodness from all around us.
Okay, here’s the fascinating show…
Beyond our sun lies a big universe…
Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky. It is more than 1,000 light years away.
Now, how big are you?
Try to wrap your mind around this. This is a Hubble telescope ultra-deep field infrared view of countless galaxies billions of light years away.
Below is a closeup of the darkest regions of the photo above.
Humbling, isn’t it?
Now, ask yourself again: How big are you?
How big are the things that upset you today?
And how big is your God, the one who created all these incredibly fascinating heavenly bodies?
If you keep your life in perspective, you wouldn’t bother sweating the small stuff!