They say that if you are a genius, if you are truly exceptionally talented, you can be forgiven most anything. I beg to disagree. More so when the person in question is actually not at all that exceptional. Talented maybe; even extremely talented. But I wouldn’t go as far as to say that Kanye West is exceptionally talented. And even if he were, his latest stunt at the MTV Video Music Awards cannot be excused in any plane of thought or existence. Folks, the “College Dropout” has truly done it this time.
I am sure that you have heard about the incident – it immediately spread like wildfire. Young country singer Taylor Swift won the award for Best Female Video for “You Belong With Me.” You know, when someone wins an award, they go on stage to make a short (supposedly, at least) speech. Taylor did just that but was cut short. By Kanye West.
“Hey Taylor, I’m really happy for you, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time.”
And??? I am not going to rant about how insensitive and rude and tasteless Kanye West is. What I do find sweet and endearing is what Beyonce did when she went on stage to accept her award for Best Video Award for “Single Ladies.” She asked Taylor to come up on stage with her to finish her speech. They both handled it gracefully while everyone boo-ed Kanye every time his name was mentioned.
Didn’t get to see what happened? Watch the video here.
Sometimes, entertainment is not so entertaining at all, isn’t it?