In this day and age, technology could make or break your relationships, or your family.
While some wives get irritated at the plasma TV’s hogging their husbands’ attention, or some husbands who are irritated with their wives’ MacBooks because these things hog lots of their women’s time, I believe the intrusion of technology into our lives just might prove to help our relationships instead of damage them.
Take the cellular phone, for example. Who would have known that the cellular phone would become a way for parents and their children to connect? I know of some kids my age who drew closer to their parents because of SMS. What about email? It was through email that my paternal grandmother and I connected; it was also through email that my parents and I are now living harmoniously, though we may be apart.
And who could forget how social networking has caused a revolution in relationships? People in my church have formed an extensive supportive community in Multiply. My high school classmates and I keep in touch through our YahooGroup and Friendster. And who could ever neglect instant messaging, were boyfriends can get in touch with their girlfriends, and even husbands with their wives? Heck, some people even got to hook up with their spouse through instant messaging!
So you see, it is but a matter of being open to technology, and exploring how you can use it to better your life and relationships. You don’t need to see it as an adversary to your time with your spouse. You can use it to flirt with him! Suggestion: why not exchange a series of flirtatious PG-13 SuperPokes on Facebook during your lunch break? I’m sure the night would sizzle by the time you guys get home!
Or, if you’re somewhat old-school, why not send a particularly mushy or even racy, email to your hubby as the clock turns 3? If instant messaging is allowed at work, why not declare your love during random moments throughout the day?
How about using the webcam when your husband is out on a business trip? So when he misses you, you both can still communicate and even get a little naughty. At least that would keep him out of the clutches of that nasty secretary.
And so, your life does not have to be bulldozed by technology. You can ride that wave, so as you won’t be wiped out by it. As for me and my fiance, we’ll just keep SuperPoke-ing each other. :p
(Oops. That didn’t seem to come out right. :p )