Married couples faces various kinds of challenges in their lives. While some are fortunate to be living together every day of their lives, some are separated by distance due to work and business. But long distance relationships can survive as long as both spouses know how to deal with their situation and their partner.
Many couples have survived long years of separation and you too can if you persevere and you are committed to keeping your family together no matter the distance. Knowing how to deal with your situation when you are together can make a big difference.
And how can you do that? We share some tips here that you might be helpful should you be in this kind of situation.
Respect each other’s differences. There are times when a spouse need some space particularly when one is experiencing stress. When anxious, men may become more workaholic or focus on a hobby or sport while women may crave for togetherness with their partner. If your spouse distances himself or herself, it’s best to respect and understand his emotions. There’s no need to judge his behavior.
Understand your partner. When your other half needs some space, give it and don’t take it personally. Don’t even try to demand for attention or his time. This is where you will be tested on how much you show your understanding to your partner. If he or she feels okay, then that’s the time you can get reconnected and become more intimate once again.
Don’t pressure. Oftentimes, women are guilty of chasing their men who may not always be available or who is experiencing an issue and want some space. The best way to deal with this situation is to avoid pressuring your partner because the more you want to get connected, the more he will distance himself.
Image via onlymyhealth