This post is a continuation of my Cliff’s Notes for Who Moved My Cheese, the book by Spencer Johnson, M.D. (also the Author of The One Minute Manager). Hope you enjoy my annotations of the rest of the principles!
Principle # 5:
Move With the Cheese.
As you spot and adapt to change, you should not only prepare for the steps to change, you have to MOVE: walk or run with the change. Be a mover, and not a passive spectator of life.
Principle # 6:
Savor the Adventure and Enjoy the Taste of New Cheese.
(Enjoy change.)
Whether you were forced to change, or you embraced the change, you have no other choice but to embrace and ENJOY the change. If you keep being obstinate about changing, you won’t be able to enjoy the change, and the rest of life. Instead of having an easier life because you embrace joy and the blessings of change, you look at the change as an adversary; something that would only steal whatever enjoyment you could have had for the blessings that the change brought you.
Principle # 7:
They Keep Moving the Cheese.
(Be ready to change quickly and enjoy it again and again!)
Let’s face it, life is in constant flux. The only thing that will help you deal with life with a lighter heart and a better attitude is your own choice to keep a good attitude, no matter what the circumstance. As the Bible guy discovered in his “research” for the book “The Year of Living Biblically,” when he decided to cut the anger and the cussing, he noticed how the positivity fed on itself. To me, that is only empirical evidence that whatever is encouraged will become a permanent habit.
So if your cheese is starting to run away from you, start moving: change your attitudes towards change, and you will be able to embrace your life with greater joy!
Photo Credits Throughout the Who Moved My Cheese Series: