If losing the first five pounds was difficult, well wait until the losing-that-last-pound phase and you’ll find it almost impossible. Try a treadmill exercise that can help you lose 3,500 calories in seven days. That is equivalent to losing one pound in one week—and that’s guaranteed.
Warm up with a 4mph jog on the treadmill for five minutes. Follow this pattern after that: three minutes at 6mph, one minute at 7mph, three minutes at 6mph, and one minute at 8mph. Do this pattern three times. Warm down with the same warming-up speed for five minutes.
Congratulate yourself! You’ve just lost around 500 calories with this 42-minute workout. Continue on doing this everyday for the whole week and you’ll lose about 3,500 calories, which is equivalent to a pound.
The treadmill exercise may be too light or too heavy for you. Adjust the speed level to your desired as long as you keep the pattern and duration.
Along with this exercise is a proper diet. Cut about a hundred calories from the usual everyday. It only takes maybe skipping an extra snack or cutting down on your sugar intake. You can do it in any way you want. Just be watchful on what you eat or you might end up eating the calories you’ve just burned.
Now, what if you have no treadmill to start with? You can hit to the nearest gym and use one of their treadmills. Just be careful of the inevitable, obnoxious creatures there. If you want to save your sanity from them, then better start reading Treadmill Reviews. Invest on a treadmill. There is nothing better than enjoying the comfort and peace of your home while losing weight.