When it comes to addictions, junk food is certainly no exception. Wanting to eat fatty and delicious food that makes us feel comforted and fulfills our sweet tooth is something that a lot of people struggle with. If you find yourself struggling with warding off cravings you are certainly not alone in your frustrations.
The problem with eating too much junk food is that it creates negative patterns which lead to feeling bad about ourselves and unnecessary weight gain which can lead us to feel even worse after binging. Even though in the moment eating these delicious delicacies can feel like heaven as all of our pleasure sensors are sent into a whirl, ultimately it leads to no good. Here are some of the most effective ways to stop eating junk food and start making healthier choices.
Drink More Water
By drinking more water you can curb your appetite and make sure that your body is getting the hydration that it needs. Many people can become addicted to sugary drinks like juice and soda pop, so making the transition to drinking only water and lots of it can be a challenge.
Try to do whatever it takes to motivate yourself to drink water. You can buy a water bottle that you like with your favorite sports team on it or a photo of something that you like. This small effort to encourage you to want to drink water can make a big difference in your efforts to ward off cravings.
Replace Your Vice With Something Else
Sometimes replacing one vice with a less damaging one is the best way to cut your bad habits out of your life. For example, people who are trying to quit smoking cigarettes tend to replace the oral fixation with vaporized e-cigarettes or even lollipops. This way every time that their brain tells them that they want to smoke, they instead condition their mind to replace it with something else.
This same method can also be applied to getting rid of your addiction to junk food. Rather than reaching for a bag of potato chips when you are hungry, try buying some low-calorie popcorn without butter. The consistency is similar but has a fraction of the fat and calories.
Distract Yourself With Something Fun
When you start to feel the urge to eat something fatty lurking in, try to put on a funny video or call a friend that makes you happy. Often our cravings are actually emotional responses to stress or unpleasant circumstances.
By making ourselves happy, we may find that we aren’t hungry at all but our mood was starting to dip and our bodies started to seek out pleasure in junk food to make it better.