Smoking is dangerous to your health. Everyone knows that. All advertisements and cigarette cartons contain the warning. In other parts of the world, the warnings are quite graphic (cancer-ridden lungs and extremely decayed teeth for example), but this has not really stopped people from engaging in one of the dirtiest habits in existence, has it?
Here is another reason to quit smoking – to save money. In these days of economic troubles, practically everyone is looking for ways to cut back and make do with what they have. If you are a smoker, perhaps sitting down and actually figuring out just how much smoking costs you financially may help you get rid of the habit. did this themselves and collated data from all over the United States, taking into consideration the prevailing prices of various cigarettes and the smoking habits of their residents. According to the findings, in general, people can save $200 to $500 a year.
Those who live in Delaware have the most to gain by quitting smoking. On the average, people smoke around 185 packs a year in this state. Financially, this costs the average smoker almost $1000 a year on cigarettes.
Think about it – smoking not only costs you the price of the cigarettes, but you also pay for lighters and other accessories. Then you have the potential health problems that come with smoking.
So, have you been wracking your brains on how to save a dollar or two here and there? Why not turn your attention to this habit? Maybe it is about time that you seriously thought of quitting.